You are here: Collect & Organize > Playlists > Create an AutoPlaylist

Create an AutoPlaylist

Like a regular playlist, an AutoPlaylist plays a series of clips. However, when you create or later remix an AutoPlaylist, RealPlayer searches your media library and automatically creates a fresh mix of clips based on criteria (clip properties) you have specified.

Double-click on an AutoPlaylist to open its collection of clips in the Library Display area. 

Use the Remix feature anytime to create a new mix of clips with the same criteria. Also, the Auto Remix feature sets an AutoPlaylist to remix every time it's played.

Good to Know

Search results for an AutoPlaylist are based on the information in CD Info and Clip Info.

RealPlayer includes several default AutoPlaylists already built in. They're based on information such as your clip ratings, dates, or when you last played the clips, so RealPlayer can automatically group clips into lists such as "Clips from the 80s" and "Clips I like (rating 4-5)." Use these default AutoPlaylists as is, or edit them any way you like. Double-click on a default AutoPlaylist to open its collection of clips in the the Library Display area.

See Also

Create an Advanced Autoplaylist

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