You are here: Collect & Organize > Library > Clip Info > EditClipInfo

Edit Clip Info

For any clip from the Library, the Clip Info feature displays basic information such as album, artist, genre, and art. It also displays information about the clip's location and any file info such as format, quality (bitrate), and size.You may edit Clip Info even while the clip is playing.

When you edit or add Clip Info, you do so through the "Clip Info" dialog:

How to Open the "Clip Info" Dialog

How to Edit Clip Info

  1. Within the "Clip Info" dialog, select any existing text in a text field and type in new text. Or fill in any empty fields — such as Rating or Category — with anything you like.
  2. Click OK to accept your changes. Or click Cancel to close the "Clip Info" dialog without making changes.
How to Add Art to Clip Info