You are here: Menus > Play

Play Menu

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The Play menu contains controls for the clip that is currently playing:

Menu Option




Plays the currently queued clip. Pauses playback of the current clip.


Stops the current clip and resets it to the beginning.

Previous Clip

Jumps to the previous clip in a multi-clip file or the previous clip in the Playlist pane.

Next Clip

Jumps to the next clip in a multi-clip file or the next clip in the Playlist pane.

Fast Forward/Rewind

Increase: Increases Fast Forward/Rewind speed.

Decrease: Decreases Fast Forward/Rewind speed.

Slow Motion

Increase: Increases Slow Motion speed.

Decrease: Decreases Slow Motion speed.

Seek To...

Change the playback point (in hours, minutes, and seconds from the start) of the current clip.

Jump Back

Restarts currently playing clip to its beginning.


Up: Increases volume setting.

Down: Decreases volume setting.

Mute: Sets volume to zero.

Play CD  or

Starts playback of CD or DVD in the indicated drive.

Note: All available drives are listed. Drive must be DVD-capable to play a DVD.

Eject CD or DVD

Ejects disc from active drive.

Shuffle Play

Randomizes the order of play for clips in your Playlist pane. When active, a checkmark appears next to this selection. To turn it off, uncheck it. You can combine this option with the Continuous Play option.

Continuous Play

Repeats the clips or clip in your Playlist pane. When RealPlayer Cloud reaches the end of the series, it will return to the beginning and play it through again and again. When active, a checkmark appears next to this selection. To turn it off, uncheck it. You can combine this option with the Shuffle Play option.

Note: Even if Continuous Play is selected, a streaming media clip will stop after the first time it is played. Select Play to restart the clip and play it continuously.

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