Position Slider

When recording media with RealPlayer Cloud, place your cursor over the position slider to see Saving Status information such as clip duration, size (in MB) and bitrateA measure of how many bits (units of information) describe each sound in an audio file. A low bit rate means lower sound quality and a smaller file size, while a high bit rate means better sound quality and larger files..

The red bar indicates the amount of the clip currently saved in the recording buffer. 

Move the tracking button by clicking and dragging it along the bar in either direction. When you release the button, RealPlayer Cloud begins playing the clip from that point. Doing so does not effect the recording of the clip.

To stop the recording, click the Record button again. (You may also begin recording by selecting File > Record > Stop Recording, or by pressing CTRL+R on your keyboard.)

If you're recording live streaming media, the position slider indicates the start point and the stop point of your recorded clip. In the example below, the start point is 7 minutes and 11 seconds into a live stream, and the current stop point is 10 minutes and 22 seconds. To begin the recording before the current start point, click and drag the tracking button to any position before the current start point. The recording will begin at the new, earlier start point.

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