You are here: Preferences > General Preferences

Preferences: General

Click , and select Preferences: General.

General preferences determine basic behavior in RealPlayer Cloud, such as default file locations.




RealPlayer Cloud Options

On startup display: (Default: Web Videos) Selects a specific view, such as Now Playing or Library to be displayed at startup.

Size video to: (Default: Original size (1x)) Selects a default display size for video in Now Playing.

Display each photo... (Default: 5) Sets the length of time before the next photo appears in a slideshow.

Now Playing



Select the behavior of the current Playlist pane when a new clip is selected to be played.

Clear...: (Default: On) Clears the current Playlist, then places the new clip at the top of the list.

Warn...: (Default: On) If the Clear option is selected, RealPlayer Cloud displays a warning before the Playlist is cleared and replaced.

Keep...:(Default: Off) Keeps old clips in the Playlist when adding new clips. New clips are added to the bottom of list. Enter the maximum number of clips to keep from the old list. More recent clips replace older clips if the maximum is reached.



Enable a history..: (Default: On) When enabled, a list of the most recently played clips appear in the File menu, and the most recently visited Internet pages are available in the Address bar.

Clear History: Click to remove history data for the File menu and Address bar.

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