You are here: Preferences > Hardware Preferences

Preferences: Hardware

Click , and select Preferences: Hardware.

These preferences change how RealPlayer Cloud interacts with specific hardware devices (such as sound and video cards) installed in your system. In most cases the defaultA "default" is any setting or selection automatically used by the RealPlayer when other options are available. settings will work correctly. Read the description for each setting carefully before changing any of them.




Playback Performance

CPU Usage:RealPlayer Cloud uses this setting to optimize the performance of clip playback. Adjust this setting only if your computer seems sluggish or has problems while playing content.

Enable full screen video controls: (Default: On) When enabled, the video image enlarges to fit the whole screen. Disable if your computer has problems displaying full-screen video.

Sound Card Compatibility


Click Settings... to modify sound card settings to overcome common audio problems with older sound cards.

Disable 16-bit sound: (use 8-bit only):

Use this setting if you have an older sound card and clips sound scratchy or distorted.

Disable custom sampling rates:

Use this setting if clips play at the wrong speed or sound scratchy or distorted.

Disable Direct Sound:

Using direct sound Direct Sound is part of the DirectX software tools used to control a computer's sound hardware. can improve sound quality but it requires more CPU capacity.

Playback Quality:

Moving the slider to the left (most reliable) increases error-checking but lowers the bitrateA measure of how many bits (units of information) describe each sound in an audio file. A low bit rate means lower sound quality and a smaller file size, while a high bit rate means better sound quality and larger files.. Moving the slider to the right (best quality) increases the bitrate but decreases error-checking.

Video Card Compatibility


Move the slider to decrease (most reliable) or increase (best performance) the use of your video card's advanced capabilities. Older video cards or video drivers may not function properly with this feature. If your video is acting erratically, try setting the slider all the way to the left (most reliable).

Note: You will have to restart your computer after changing this selection before the change can take effect

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