You are here: Use Portable Devices > RealPlayer Converter > Converting Files

Converting Files

RealPlayer Converter can convert many files at once, convert one file into multiple formats, or save only the audio from a video file.

Each device profile has default settings designed to work well on that device. You can adjust the settings to get smaller files (to fit more onto one device) or to get the highest quality. See Viewing and Setting Device Details to learn more.

How do I convert files?

  1. There are several ways to start converting: :
  1. Review your choices.
  1. When all of the settings are to your liking, click Start.

The progress bar shows how much of the conversion is complete.

The numbers to the right of the bar show how much time is left until the conversion is complete.

When the conversion is complete, your converted files will be in the location selected under Save in.

  1. The "Conversion Complete" dialog opens. It shows a basic overview of the conversion results.

You can choose to add these converted files to your iTunes library or a connected device. Changes made here apply to this batch only. To use the same settings each time you use RealPlayer Converter, set them through Preferences.

Click OK when you are finished.

Now what?

You can open the converted file by clicking the underlined link in the conversion queue. You can open the containing folder by clicking folder icon.

When you connect your device to your computer, RealDownloader can copy files directly to many cell phones and some portable media players, including iPad, iPod, and iPhone.

If you have an iPod, iPad, or iPhone, the converted files are automatically added to your iTunes library. Use iTunes to play or transfer the files to your device. If you want to turn off the Download This Video button, you can change this setting in Preferences.

If you use RealPlayer Cloud to play files or manage a portable device, RealPlayer Converter automatically adds the converted files to your RealPlayer Cloud library. Use RealPlayer Cloud to play or transfer the files as usual. If you want to turn off the Download This Video button, you can change this setting in Preferences.

Note: RealPlayer Cloud does not support video transfer to all devices at this time.

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