Want faster conversion to H.264? Upgrade to RealPlayer Cloud Plus H.264.
Not sure about which quality and resolution settings to use for your device? Use Automatic for the best results. The Automatic setting selects the resolution and quality options that best match the quality of your original file while also making it compatible with the selected device.
When you connect your device to your computer, RealDownloader can copy files directly to many cell phones and some portable media players, including iPad, iPod, and iPhone.
You can drag and drop files into the conversion queue from anywhere on your computer, such as the Desktop.
You can drag folders to the conversion queue to convert all the files in that folder.
To convert one file or group of files to multiple formats at once (such as iPod and Xbox), click . Select Multi-select, and select your devices.
If you put a mix of audio and video files in the conversion queue, they will be converted into the appropriate video and audio formats for the selected device. If the selected device only supports audio, all of the files convert to audio.
You can customize any device profile. You can name and save your device profiles, and access them from the "Select a Device" dialog.
The Custom device profile includes all of the possible format, quality, and resolution output settings available in RealPlayer Converter. To see them all in a table, view Creating Custom Settings.