

Create or changes favorites from the Favorites dialog, available when you select Edit Favorites... from the Favorites menu. To edit existing favorites, double click the information and select the text you want to edit.





You can share Favorites through Mac OS X Bonjour.

(Default: Off) Share internet favorites locally.

(Default: On) View shared internet favorites.

Note:Only favorites that have internet addresses (for example: http:// or rtsp://) will appear on other computers.

Shared content must be on servers or in your Sites folder with an associated favorite that has an internet address (see above). Favorites with local addresses, file://, will not be shared. (You can create a network address for a local file in your Sites directory. Consult your Mac OS X Help for information or contact your System Administrator.)

Local RAM files can be shared as long as the content that it points to is on a server or uses the addressing conventions mentioned above.


A list of your favorites and their associated locations. To edit a favorite, double-click the name or URL and edit the text. Single-click to select a favorite.

Add Recent Clip

A drop-down list of your most recently-played clips. Click to display the clips and then select one to add it to your Favorites.


Plays the selected favorite.


Deletes the selected favorite.


Starts a new line to manually enter a favorite. Type the name and the URL.