You are here: RealPlayer > Radio > Advanced Radio Search

Advanced Radio Search

The Advanced Search checks the same sources as the basic Search Radio, but allows you more options to get more specific results.

To reduce your options and return to the basic Radio Search, select Basic Search beneath Radio Guide. (From the Windows menu, select Radio, and then click Advanced Search.)

To start an Advanced Search, enter any of the following criteria, then click Search.





Searches station descriptions for matches to any whole keyword or specific phrases.


Searches for genre matches. (Select from drop-down list.)


Searches for language matches. (Select from drop-down list.)


Searches for country/region matches. (Select from drop-down list.)


Choose to view All Stations, Dialup stations that will play well with a slow internet connection, or Broadband stations that will play well with a fast internet connection. (Select from drop-down list.)

The results list the Premium Radio stations first, followed by Free Radio stations. Select any station to listen to it.