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More RealPlayer Plus 16 features

To activate your RealPlayer Plus 16 premium features, sign in. The first time you sign in you may be asked to download additional components to make your new features work. If you can't access your premium features, try these troubleshooting steps.

Accelerated download

After you sign in and install components, this feature works automatically - there's nothing else you need to do. You will see "Accelerated by SpeedBit" on the RealDownloader window.

Accelerated conversion and transfer

The first time you "Copy to" or convert a video to a profile using RealPlayer Plus H.264 (most smartphones), RealPlayer will run a quick test to choose the best combination of encoder and hardware usage for your computer. After that test, RealPlayer uses the best settings for your computer. Conversion and transfer can be up to 100% faster.

Play more of the files you find on the web - mkv, webm, and divx

PlayPack gives you access to the codecs for many more file types, without requiring you to go to individual download sites or make fussy changes to your computer. RealPlayer will prompt you if you need to download components the first time you play that file type. After that it works automatically.

Convert from more file formats - MPEG-2, VOB - and use H.264 encoding

RealPlayer will prompt you if you need to download components the first time you work with that file type. After that it works automatically.

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