The Status Display sits just above the Player Control bar. It is your connection and playback information center, showing you at a glance the clipClips are shortcuts, not actual files. They link to an encoded unit of audio or video media that can be played by RealPlayer. They can be streamed or local. status and format, plus the status of your connection to the internet.
Icon(s) |
Description |
Click to open or close the Playlist pane. |
The word "Connecting" indicates that RealPlayer is finding and connecting to the content site. |
During loading, this indicates the action that is occurring but not yet finished. |
Indicates that RealPlayer is getting additional information. |
The clip is Playing |
Shows that the clip is paused while you move the Position Slider, seeking a new starting point in the clip. (The percentage represents the distance from the beginning of the clip, as indicated by %.) |
The clip's Title and Artist appear if available. If not, the file name appears. Click on the title and artist to open Clip Info. |
Stereo / Surround Sound indicators. |
The Format Indicator shows the data format of the clip. As new formats are added, additional indicators appear. |
Stream bandwidthThe amount of data that can be sent to your computer over a short time; usually expressed as kilobits per second (Kbps or thousands of bits per second). The higher the bandwidth, the faster you receive data; similar to using a larger garden hose to get more water faster. Often referred to as bit rate. Sometimes this refers to a range of sound frequencies and is shortened to "band," as in "16-band Equalizer". In this case, the total range of audio is broken into equal portions, or bands, of sound to be displayed and controlled. in KbpsAn abbreviation for Kilobits per second or Kilo (thousand) bits per second; used to indicate a data transfer rate.. |
The Play icon's color indicates connection health. Blue represents a good connection. Orange represents minimal information loss. Red tells you that there is severe information loss and rebuffering is necessary. Rebuffering will cause a short pause in playback. |
For a live clip (for example, a radio station), displays Time played/Live. |
For a pre-recorded clip (for example an *.rm file), displays Time played/Total clip length. Note: Click on this indicator to change the display format to 10ths of a second. Click again to revert to whole seconds. |
Note: Not all services and features are available in all countries. Services and features will be added as they become available.
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