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CD/DVD Display Page

Found in the Library, the CD/DVD display page lets you view, select, play and import tracks from audio CDs. Its commands and options are primarily for playing and managing CDs and individual CD tracks. However, you also begin playing DVDs from here.

Open the CD/DVD Page

  1. In the Library, select CD/DVD from the sidebar. (Or, click and select View > Go To > CD/DVD.) 
  2. Insert a CD or DVD into the appropriate drive.
  3. If a CD is inserted, its tracks are listed in the Display area. If it is a DVD, the Display area informs you that it is inserted.

While playing or importing a CD, the artist, album, and genre information appears at the top of the CD page. CD track information, such as track names (if available), the length of each track, and the status of each track (% completed/saved) appears in the main Display area.


When Playing DVDs
When Playing CDs