You are here: Collect & Organize > Library > Clip Info > RatingClips

Clip Ratings

Clip ratings help you sort and select clips by rating each clip from 1 to 5 stars (or unrated). The ratings appear in the Library with the clips listed in the Display area. Select or change the ratings as you like.

Rate a Clip

  1. Open the Library.
  2. Select a media clip in the Display area.
  3. Click on the stars in the My Rating column to select or change the clip's rating (1 to 5 stars).

Or right-click on the clip and select My Rating, then select 1 to 5 stars.

Good to Know

Rating is part of Clip Info, which you can edit at > File > Clip Info...

One of the options when creating an AutoPlaylist is to include or exclude clips based on how you have rated them. See Create an AutoPlaylist for details.