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Your RealPlayer

RealPlayer is designed to help you accomplish your tasks with as few steps and clicks as possible.

Get an overview of RealPlayer below. Click the headers for more information.

Media Browser

The most prominent physical feature is the RealPlayer Display area, the Media Browser. It presents different views depending on your selection of browser views and controls, giving you easy access to digital media files and services through the Library, Featured, and the internet.

Browser Buttons

Use the browser buttons to move smoothly from one primary task or feature to another.

Just click the buttons to open the corresponding pages in the Media Browser:

Now Playing





Player Control Bar

The Player Control bar holds the controls you use to play, record, and monitor media presentations in RealPlayer. It is available in all Display Modes (Normal, Toolbar, and Theater).

The Status Display sits just above the player controls.

Menu button

The RealPlayer Menu button holds menus of commands for specific task functions.



See Also

Playing Clips with RealPlayer

Working with portable devices (phones, cameras, MP3 players)

RealPlayer Downloader

RealPlayer Converter

RealPlayer Trimmer