You are here: Collect & Organize > Library > Adding Clips > Save CD Tracks to My Library

Save CD Tracks to the Library

You can easily save CD tracks to your Library. Then you can create and share playlists, burn custom CDs, view and edit clip info, and more. Once you have saved tracks to your Library, they are called clips.

Save CD Tracks to the Library

  1. With RealPlayer Cloud running, insert a CD into your CD drive.
  2. RealPlayer Cloud checks the CD tracks against the clips in the Library. If the CD tracks have not yet been saved to the Library, RealPlayer Cloud prompts you by asking if you would like to save them to your Library now:
  1. The Status column on the CD page will indicate Saved for each track successfully imported.

Good to Know

See Also

Play a CD

Create Playlists

Create (Burn) a Custom CD

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