You are here: Preferences > CD Preferences

Preferences: CD

Click , and select Preferences: CD.

Thesepreferences control how and when CD tracks are saved, and whethertrackA segment (usually a song) on an audio CD, containing both encoded audio data and content information. CD audio tracks can be played and copied by the RealPlayer. information is gathered automatically from the internet when you insert an audio CD into your CD drive.



When Inserting a CD

Start Playback: (Default: On) RealPlayer Cloud will automatically begin playback whenever you insert a CD into your CD/DVD drive.

Note: Your setting for Auto Insert Notification in Windows will override this preference.

Prompt to Save CD: (Default: On) The first time you insert an audio CD into a CD drive, RealPlayer Cloud will prompt you to save the audio tracks into your media collection. (You will not see the prompt again for the same album).

Additional CD Options...

Get CD Info...

(Default: On) Get CD Info from the internet when a new CD is inserted. (You must be online.)

Automatically start CD playback...

(Default: On) Play CD tracks while saving them from a CD.

When done saving, eject the CD

(Default: Off) Eject CD from drive when Player has finished saving tracks.

When done saving, play a sound

(Default: On) Play a WAVAV file to indicate that RealPlayer Cloud has finished saving tracks.

Pick Sound

Browse your computer's folders to select a WAVAV sound file to signal when RealPlayer Cloud is done saving tracks. (Available only if Play a Sound is selected.)

When Saving a CD to the Library

Select a Format:

(Default: MP3) Choose which music file format RealPlayer Cloud will use when saving CD tracks to the Library. Files will be saved in the folder that you define in the File Locations Preferences.

Select a Quality Level:

(Default is 192 kbps Stereo) Select a Quality Level (bitrate) to use when saving tracks. Increasing the quality level also increases the size of the files that you save.

Quality Level

Shows relative quality compared to a CD.

Disk Space per CD

Refers to the total disk space needed to save a typical audio CD. (For comparison purposes only.)

Disk Space Left

An estimate of how many CDs, of the selected quality, that could be saved in the default save location (as set inGeneral Preferences), based on the current disk space available.

Use Constant Bitrate or Use Variable Bitrate: Select one or the other when savinMP3P3 files. (See Audio Formats and Quality for more information.)

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