RealPlayer Cloud with RealPlayer Cloud helps you share videos with friends and family. They don't need to install RealPlayer Cloud or sign up for RealPlayer Cloud (or any other service) in order to watch the video. If you share with someone who has RealPlayer Cloud, the video will show up in their RealPlayer Cloud.
You can also share from Now Playing and from RealDownloader. Just move your mouse over the video and click Share.
You can share a personal video (up to 15 minutes long), if there's room for it in your RealPlayer Cloud storage. In order to share, your video is uploaded to RealPlayer Cloud.
Yes. When you share, RealPlayer Cloud sends out a link to the video in your RealPlayer Cloud. When you unshare, the link is disabled and removed.
Note: If the person you shared with downloaded the video, they will still have access to the downloaded copy.
You can share the videos in your PC Library over your home network with Device Sharing.
If you upload video from your mobile device's Camera Roll, there's no length limit. Learn about sharing on iPhone and iPad.
Videos other people have shared with you are in your PC & Cloud Library under Shared With Me.
If you have never signed in to RealPlayer Cloud, sharing is different.
Note: Not all services and features are available in all countries. Services and features will be added as they become available.
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