You are here: Share > Upload Photos

Upload Photos

You can upload your photos from RealPlayer Cloud to social media sites like Facebook.

How to upload from the Library

  1. Select a photo, photos, or folder of photos from the Library.
  2. In the task bar, click Share.
  3. The "Upload to..." dialog opens. Fill in an album name and description if you wish. Click Share.

How does upload work with Facebook albums?

If you don't choose an existing album or create a new one at upload, RealPlayer Cloud will create an album called RealPlayer Cloud.

Facebook albums have a size limit. When you upload more photos than a single Facebook album can hold, RealPlayer Cloud will split the photos into multiple albums.

How does RealPlayer Cloud handle my sign in information?

RealPlayer Cloud follows the rules of the upload service.

Facebook: You will need to sign in to Facebook the first time you upload a photo. You will stay signed in to Facebook until you close RealPlayer Cloud. (RealPlayer Cloud can save your sign-in information if you wish.) To sign out of Facebook on RealPlayer Cloud, select a photo in the Library and click Share. When the "Upload to Facebook" dialog opens, click "Sign Out" in the upper-right corner. Click Cancel to close the dialog.

See Also

Get files onto your computer

About photos

Upload video

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