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Window Menu

Contains controls to zoom or minimize RealPlayer while it is running.




Zoom Window

Increases the screen size of the active RealPlayer window (such as the Player or the Browser). Select again to restore it to the previous size.

Minimize Window

Collapses the active RealPlayer window into the dock.

Open RealPlayer Downloader

Opens RealPlayer Downloader or brings an open RealPlayer Downloader window to the foreground.


Opens a new Playlist window.

Clip Info

Opens the Clip Info window and displays information about the currently queued clip.


Opens Equalizer.

Browser Downloads

Opens the "Downloads" dialog. Lists files downloaded for RealPlayer to use. (This is not the same as RealPlayer Downloader.)

Real Guide

Opens the RealGuide home page in the Player Browser. You can change your default browser in your Player Preferences.


Opens the RealGuide Radio page in the Player Browser.You can change your default browser in your Player Preferences.


Opens the Search You can change your default browser in your Player Preferences.

Bring All to Front

Brings all RealPlayer windows to the front.

[open windows]

List of currently opened RealPlayer and Player Browser windows. Selecting a window from the list will bring it to the foreground.